I am, sort of.It's been a lot of work, being on vacation, but for the next couple days I will be, I hope, relaxing a bit. It's still been nice not being at work.
I've been off since the 4th and won't be back to work until Monday, although, from Monday through Friday I'll be doing training at another location.
For the 4th we went to Coon Rapids, which is only a few minutes from my home and watched the fireworks display there. It was good, and the kids had fun. It did remind me why I hate crowds, though.
But, none of that is why you're here, so, click the link to make the rest appear.
The Zombie Food Pyramid
I'm not sure why it is I find this so amusing, but I do. YMMV.
33 Names for Things You Might Not Have Known Had Names.
It's sad how many of these I actually knew already. Very very very sad.
This just appeared in my Google Reader. It's a free, albeit beta, time line creator. There's actually a couple of time lines that seem pretty interesting. The features are pretty good, even if the system is limited to making time lines.
Do it like Hitchcock!
Alfred Hitchcock, a genius, a pioneer, an absolutely amazing man. If you've never seen his work, you should stop reading right now, run to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video and pick up at least 3 of his flicks. (I would recommend Psycho, The Birds, and then something like Rear Window would make a great finale. (Jimmy Stewart anyone? Him and Hitchcock? OMGWTFBBQSAUCE!) North by Northwest would also make a great final piece.)
Now, however, if you're already familiar with his greatness, then you might want to check out this site. It would be especially useful to you if you're a budding filmmaker looking for ways to improve your style. He really was a master of suspense.
The site it comes from, Borgus.com, has a couple other interesting things to look at, if you're interested.
More Business Cards
Yes, I love design, and I really love business card design. Do I even need to preface these links anymore?
A Social Experiment, or Proof the Internet is Full of Stupids?
What happens if you could add one word to a story, a never ending, constantly evolving story that involves everyone on the interwebs?
The fact that someone actually thought this was a good idea is proof positive that someone was either smacked too much, or not near enough as a child.
Even their new version, which only allows words in the dictionary to be added is full of stupids. It's funny, for sure, but really isn't in the vein of what was being attempted.
What a terrible, terrible idea.
More Bad Ideas from the DoD.
Laughing Gas Bullets. *le sigh* Not near as funny as the GayBomb, but still pretty funny.
With that, I'm out.