Sunday, July 6, 2008

There are plenty of sites that I visit where, upon arrival, all I can do is marvel at the reasoning behind putting up the site in the first place. Especially when you factor in the expense of hosting and traffic, since most of the time I've found out after it's been hit by Digg or Slashdot traffic. Then you consider the cost and time of development, and in many cases, marketing and advertising.

Then I arrive at a site like and all I can think is, "Why?" I just don't see it's purpose, apart from just giving people noise.

Now, if you open up the source and look near the bottom, there's AdSense code, but it doesn't seem to actually appear on the site. I'm not sure if they've hidden the ads to trying and make money on the impressions, or what, but even that doesn't really make sense to me.

Perhaps I'm just being cynical, perhaps I'm just always looking for the angle. Perhaps it's just a great little site that wants to provide white noise for the masses.

Of course, I don't need the internet to make white noise for me... I run a fan all night.

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