Thursday, April 23, 2009

Delusions of Grandeur

Recently, I went to the hospital to visit my Great Uncle (the nearest thing I have to a Grandfather on my Mother's side (yes, maternal, I did it my way)) who was suffering from congestive heart failure.

While that was sad, and we were fearing for the worst, I came across this scene when walking around from where we'd parked:

I considered a good omen at the time, or at least something funny, which is probably a good omen, right?

Initially the doctors weren't going to do anything for Uncle because they didn't feel his system could take it. His insulin levels were way off, he had fluid built up in his lungs, and his heart was failing. They decided to make him comfortable and stable.

This, if you've never experienced it, is what you'd call a bad sign.

The good news is that he's doing much better now. It seems the wait and see posture worked out in this case. He's going to be under care for some time, but the outlook is good.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure where I was going with all this, but hopefully there's something for you to enjoy.

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