Tuesday, March 6, 2007

And the world keeps turning...

...and turning, and turning, and so on, etc...

Seriously, I've yet to truly change the world. That's really too bad, because I am far and away the most amazing person to have walked the face of this earth.

Oh well, one day, I will be king.

A new dog?

I have a dog, the greatest dog ever! Although she's a filthy thing that the local Dog Groomers have banned from their premises, I love her so. But, as a whole, she's about 284 years old, in human years, and likely to die.

This makes me sad. I can't bear to lose my Amphetamine Annie Dog.

Don't let her tiny size fool you, though. She's a Cairn Terrier mutt that I adopted from the Humane Society back in 1995, and at that time they guessed she was about 1 yr. old. She's about 45 lbs, and all of it is muscle. This little bitch will take down a German Shepherd. I know it, because she's done it.

But, she's old.

Here's where things change.

A woman in my Grandmother's building, an assisted living complex, has cancer, and the doctors have now given her 3 weeks to live. While this is sad, she has a Miniature Schnauzer who needs a home. I've offered mine. My hope is that with a younger dog in the house, my Annie dog will have a companion, and might even get back some of her puppy like vigor, which, is still surprisingly strong. (As I'm told by a few sources can happen with older dogs when they around younger dogs).

Otherwise, at least when Annie finally goes on the "long leash-less walk", I'll still have something to shit in my hallway. Seriously, I just can't seem to do it myself.

I'll find out soon. If all goes as planned, I'll be posting pictures of the new addition to the scenery around here.

And the links you came here for...

Mike picks a winner.

I hate when Mike find things that I haven't. It's my internet, dammit, stop showing me up!

Seriously, though, he stumbled upon a gaming site that I had not yet been privy too: GameAlmighty.com.

It looks pretty great. I registered an account there, and have started poking around.

It almost has the feel of GameSpot.com if it had a 'Comic Book' skin, but, it's designed as if it were a giant magazine. There's tons of stuff to do. And, seriously, it's all Comic Book looking, with a fun interface, and a superhero on every page!

My only real complaint is that it's not easy to navigate about if you want to peruse the list of titles in their catalog. It's not impossible, but not easy either.

Also, the site is VERY bandwidth intensive.

The plus side is that there's a lot of ways you can contribute to the site, the articles I've read so far are written pretty well, and, maybe it's just my Adblock Script, but, there's not Ads to block that I can find. A major plus.

I'm a little frustrated that if I keep up there, I will need to start adding games from my collection, a daunting task considering I have 173 titles listed on my GameSpot profile and counting, and of course, the fact that I don't have any reviews there yet is a little annoying, so, I'll need to get that remedied soon.

They have a ranking system like GameSpot does, which also seems to be based on contributions, so, we'll see how that works.

Check it out, though. I don't know if they'll ever rival the big hitters like IGN and Gamasutra, but, they've got a lot of content already, and they can only get bigger. Right?

Adobe Photoshop Web?

C|NET is reporting that Adobe's CEO has announced Photoshop as an Online application within the next 6 months.


Through a series of quotes, the article lays out the reasoning behind this move.

It is going to be similar to the Adobe Remix you can use on photobucket.com, which is an online video editing tool. They are trying to get their product out before companies like Google and Microsoft do it first as both companies are already vying for superiority in online office suites.

The product is said be to 'Ad' driven, but, they are trying to keep the bandwidth usage to a minimum. I imagine that it will be a watered down version of Photoshop Elements, which is a watered down version of Photoshop.

If I were to guess, there will be minimal capabilities such as cropping, resizing, tonal and color correction, red eye removal, and a few of their basic filters like sharpen, blur, and possibly noise control.

They have said that this is meant to be the best product in its class, although, I don't think there are other products already in this class, I assume they are predicting the introduction of an online version of Google's Picasa and the like. The bottom line is: they want to do this right from the get go.

As a whole, I think the biggest reason behind this move is money. No, wait, I know it's hard to believe that a company might be out to make money, but, let me finish. The CEO glosses over this in the article, but I think this is important.

Ad revenue. It's a wonderful thing. Think about it this way, Photoshop CS2 is about $600 for the full version (aimed at Professionals), Photoshop Lightroom (something I need to talk about soon, because it's a pretty nifty application, meant for Professional Photographers) will run you $299, Photoshop Elements (meant for consumers) will run you $99. All of these things will put a dent in your pocket book, but, as a whole, the majority of the people on this planet that use these products have never paid a cent for them, therefore, Adobe makes ZERO DOLLARS off of those consumers.

Let's imagine, though, that many of these people are not using a majority of the features, or, the entire customer set that WOULD buy the product if they could afford it. Suddenly, Photoshop online is there, and these people use it. Let's say $10,000 people use it in a week, and some of them click on ads that are served up to them. Let's say these ads are, for the sake of argument, aimed at them directly, offering products like Elements, Cameras, Keyboards and Mice, faster computers, or coffee. Anyway, suddenly, this free thing, the thing they aren't paying for, is making Adobe money.

Hazzah! Welcome to the internet!

I'll be watching for it. Since I use Photoshop CS2 nearly every day, I don't see myself really jumping on board with this one, but it's a great concept anyway.

As the big WebOS war looms on the horizon, online apps like this really are setting the tone of things to come.

A Lego MMO?

Yes, NetDevil has announced that they are developing a Lego Massively Multiplayer Online Game. The word 'Game' I use loosely, as I'm not sure how it's going to work yet.

As far as I can tell from the press release, it's going to basically make it so that kids can get together online and build things.

I loved Legos as a kid, so, I imagine this will take the Generation Fat into the future with the Lego Trademark.

As long as eight year olds aren't dropping out of school so they can log more time in the Lego World.

The Geneva Motor Show

Where sexy meets sexy!

Wow, that's all I can really say. Check out this page, which has a ton of pictures of beauties of all sorts!

It's a blog, so, don't forget to click next page at the bottom, because, it just keeps going.

When science meets secretly with the devil...

Scientists have been able to prove 'faster than light' speeds.

From the Article:

Scientists have finally exceeded the speed of light, causing a light pulse to travel hundreds of times faster than normal.

It raced so fast the pulse exited a specially-prepared chamber before it even finished entering it.

Skepticism abounds.

Break dancing!

Visit PlanetBBoy.com to find out more about a movie coming out... all about break dancing.


You can't NOT enjoy watching this!

What remains may not be considered safe for work... you've been warned.

Don't watch this.

Just... just don't do it.




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