Sunday, August 3, 2008

A long overdue post...

But, unfortunately, one that may not be followed up quickly. I apologize in the delay, but I've been very busy working on a couple of web projects and I've also been extremely sick for the last few days. I've had a fever that's topped out around 103.1, and been a steady 101.5 or so for the most part. Also, I got a really good deal on an Xbox 360 about a week ago, as well, which has also taken up quite a bit of my time.

However, in the interim, I've at least gotten photos up from the Daddy / Daughter Camping Trip 2008. You can check out the Gallery here. Some examples:

You might notice that the URL is, which is my new URL. I have registered a new domain (actually, two, I now own both .net and .com), and have been working on building a new portfolio site. I am also hoping to host this blog from there as well, however, I have to use the 'Classic Template' to take advantage of FTP publishing, and it is a very daunting task. It isn't insurmountable, but considering the fact that I'm working on my own site, as well as one other at the same time, it's more than I can chew. So, look for that in the coming weeks, I imagine.

In the meantime, accept my apologies for the slow updating, and trust that I haven't abandoned this blag, I'm just letting it simmer for a little while.


Willynate said...

Where'd you get your 360 from you shclupp? I've been wanting one for sometime . . .

Unknown said...

Actually, it was someone in my building, who apparently won it in some sort of contest and didn't want it. In short, I got lucky.