Thursday, October 30, 2008

Låt den rätte komma in

Mike hipped me to a Swedish film Låt den rätte komma in (Let the Right One in) releasing in theaters here in the U.S. Unfortunately, it's not releasing widely, so I will be forced to head to the Lagoon Cinema in Uptown (Mpls.) to view this:

This looks amazing. It's not hitting Minneapolis until November 14th, which means I'm stuck waiting, and trust me, I've tried finding it through 'other means' which thus far has not panned out so well.

Like so many other foreign films that are amazing, or even mediocre but at least unique, this one is being Americanized by Matt Reeves, of Cloverfield fame. Perhaps he won't ruin it...

1 comment:

Willynate said...

Uh - please, please let me know when you're going to this . . . I'd like to know what the devil is going on.