Monday, June 4, 2007


This will be an epic internet adventure....

Well... Sort of. There's just a lot of ground to cover. So, without further ado...

The M41-A Pulse Rifle

Alright, I'm as a big fan of Aliens as the next guy. It's a solid franchise, great character design, reasonably good story, and above all else, there's plenty of great effects (if only for the time they were made) to get the blood boiling.

This, however, seems a bit excessive. They have taken building replicas to a whole. nuthah. level.

These guys have laid out the list of components, from real weapons (M1A1 Thompson, Remington 870, and a SPAS-12), to their comparable resin and airsoft counterparts, and then laid out the actual build. If you have an extra $1000 and plenty of time on your hands, feel free to have at it.

Ever wonder how many human females a spider-monkey weights?

Or perhaps you'd like to know how many flaccid penises the Empire State Building is tall. Then is the site for you.

Taking pointless conversions to a whole. nutha.... no, I won't do that again.

Massively Mega Pixeled

Scott Howard likes to make pictures filled with pixels. Check out Chicago Skyline in 1000 Megapixels, Sydney in 720 Megapixels, or Machu Picchu in 1500 Megapixels. Pretty amazing stuff.

Polar Clock

I'd love to see this as a widget for MacOS X or a Gadget for Windows Vista.

Origami Boulder

Origami, the art of Japanese paper folding. Now, you can actually get your own, hand crafted, piece of origami art. An origami boulder.

The Evolution of Windows

From 1.0 to Vista, in screen caps.

It's sad that I've been there for it all.

Mac Nostalgia, too.

Steve "Woz" Wozniak talks about the history of Apple, back in 1984.

Saw Safety System

This is just amazing.

Click Here for more great videos and pictures!

Star Trek comes closer to reality.

Using Quantum Entanglement, scientists have been able to teleport information through thin air over a distance of 89 miles. Wow.

Brushed Metal iMacs

Well, you can't stay it's not stylish. The word is that the new iMacs will be using Apple's trademark brushed metal, like the MacBook Pros.

It looks like they've gotten even closer to a display only appearance, as they now resemble the current Cinema Displays.

I have to admit the sexiness. I'm still not a Mac fan, but damn if they don't make a pretty product.

Top 5 Tower Defense Games.

I've talked about Desktop Tower Defense, and it's extremely addictive nature. Now this site now lays out the top 5 tower defense games.

Sure, try just one.

JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank

Man, of all the crazy shit you can buy on, this is one of them.

Just $20,000. Get yours today.

It seems like that's enough.

Peace out internet.

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