Doomed Star!
There's an article which tells us, and shows us that, there's a star only 7,500 light years away that's about to go Super Nova. Of course, it's important to point out that it actually went Super Nova a few thousand years ago, and we're just about to be able to see it, but it's still something I hope they get on video.
The image is definitely something out of Star Trek... or not, actually.
Listen up women!
Some brit tells you what's what! I can't say that I agree 100%, but it's a decent list anyway.
Zune News... that's old.
I finally decided to go through some of my old starred Google Reader stuff, and I found a post about what was supposed to be the new Zune firmware. This was reported by Gizmodo back at the beginning of May, and now, as we approach July, there's no still no word about an official update.
I really want to do something with my WiFi guys, please?!?
Castle Wars
Another time waster, because, as we all know, time is always available. Castle Wars is a visual card game for 2 players, and it's a lot of fun.
The great (kiddie porn lovers) at The Pirate Bay have come up with a free image hosting site, which is, of course, completely uncensored. It's called BayImg.
It actually seems to work pretty well, although, I don't think the world really needs another pr0n depository.
Speaking of Images
Images that changed the world. They're all images you've probably seen, but here is a site that actually gives you a bit more about where they come from.
Web Designers will get this...
If architects had to work like web designers.
I think that's enough for today...
but I'll hit you back soon.
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