Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gears of War 2 - Secondary Thoughts

Mike swung by today for a couple hours, and we plowed through a bit more of the co-op campaign.

While my opinion largely remains the same, especially after playing through the horribly unintuitive Centaur driving chapter (which requires the left stick for forward and reverse and the right stick for left and right camera, and after aiming the camera, forward turns your vehicle in that direction) I can honestly say that there's been a bit more Locust fighting, finally, and that has the game redeeming some points.

It's not a lot, mind you, and being forced to watch cut scenes for what seems like hours when having to retry an area is just as brutal as ever. However, if they keep up with the Locusts, we might at least end the game on a better note.

For those following along, this is where we left off today:

It appears that this is the end of the third act, meaning that there are two more acts of gameplay, followed by act 6, which is most certainly the final battle (as done in Gears 1).

As I said, I'll keep everyone apprised.

I suppose it's worth noting that there's one big advantage to playing GoW2, and that's the fact that they throw achievements at you like they're going out of style. It's crazy, I've been playing GTA:IV for the last few months, and that game is extremely tight with the gamerpoints, in stark contrast to the Gears series that gives you achievments just for playing the game, and they come quickly. (I suppose it should be noted that GTA:IV gives points just for playing as well, but being that I've been playing that on and off for the last couple months and I'm only about 50% of the way through... there's some disparity).

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