Sunday, November 30, 2008

Transporter 3

I'm not going to say it was good for what it was. I am going to say that it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

I've read reviews that said that this movie was terrible, and that they should just have stopped with the second installment.

I disagree.

As far as I'm concerned, they can just keep making them. They're simply good fun.

This film has all the things you want from an action flick, specifically, action, arguably the most important ingredient. The story is rather throw away, being that it revolves around an environmental treaty, the Ukraine, or maybe Uzbekistan, I don't really remember, is being pressured to sign a treaty that will allow some organization to dump toxic waste in their country, probably. Anyway, a diplomats daughter is kidnapped, and Frank, our intrepid hero is wired to explode should he get too far away, and is forced to drive really fast, get into exotic suit-centric fights, and finally sleep with his lovely cargo.

These things all go into the plus column. The driving, which you'd expect being a movie about a professional driver going about his business. His Audi (black, with chrome accents, like nearly every other vehicle in this car) is, in no uncertain terms, beautiful. The fights scenes in this film are well crafted, if not as visceral as those in the last installment, or perhaps the Bourne series. He does, however, show his ability to not only wear his suits well, but put them to good use as weapons. Then we come to his beautiful cargo, who I must point out is an absolutely rare beauty, and is the perfect final ingredient for the recipe.

There are some negatives, obviously the story doesn't stand up to close scrutiny. Even though the films fight choreographer is the same man that worked in the first two, this film features much less martial art. The fact that he's tethered to his car isn't used as well as you might expect, in that there's no use of it during the fight scenes, which play out much like they did in previous films, just in less abundance, and there's surprisingly little actual fast driving.

However, it's still good fun, and, as I said, was far better than I'd expected. I recommend it to anyone that enjoys a good action movie.

Besides, there's not a lot of other choices in the theaters right now... You've got Baz Luhrman's sickly sappy-looking Australia, 14 Cartoons, and teen girl's sexy Harry Potter, Twilight.

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