Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left is yet another remake, this time of a classic 1972 Wes Craven film.

It's really not worth delving too deeply into, so this will be a rather short review.

I'm not going to say I liked this movie. I didn't hate it, but it was flawed in a great number of ways. What I will say is that this movie is deeply satisfying, especially as a father of daughters.

The casting is mediocre, at best. The acting is, therefore, sketchy. There are some gaps that I had a hard time with, and some are fairly glaring. Points throughout the movie drag by, almost painfully. There's an unnecessarily brutal rape scene that seems to exist simply for the shock value.

Still, the movie ends with some satisfying revenge, which made the movie feel worth watching.

This is not a movie that I can recommend as a must see, but I will say that it was better than I expected. It doesn't scratch that horror itch, but it's still a movie you can catch with some friends and either enjoy or enjoy bashing.

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