Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm not even going to comment on how long it has been since I posted. Just accept I don't post as much as I used to.

Watchmen. I read most of the series when I was younger. Admittedly, I think I was much too young to really 'get it', though it stuck with me. I never got around to finishing. My copy of the original graphic novel was loaned out a very long time ago (which is why I didn't finish it), but the wonder of the internet allowed me to finally read about how the whole thing ends.

The film is unbelievable. I can understand some of the criticism that it's not so much a creative adaptation of the comic, but rather a nearly shot for shot transfer from panel to screen. I can understand, too, why people are saying that it will be, for those who haven't read it, somewhat difficult to follow, like this sentence. I don't think, though, that these things make it bad movie, just a movie that isn't for everyone.

This is a visceral film, I would put it high up in the list of bloodiest movies I've ever seen. The action throughout is intense. The fight sequences are fast, powerful, and performed extremely well.

The characters are cast nearly perfectly, and for the most part, the acting is nothing short of stellar. Jeffry Dean Morgan's (The Comedian) acting in the opening scene is nothing short of amazing, the fact that throughout a stunning fight scene, he shows a range of emotions that are both real and intense, yet subtle. With a simple twinge of his face, you see his fear, and I mean the real, primal, uncontrollable sort of fear that seems like it could only come from acceptance of your doomed fate.

The only weak link is Malin Akerman (Silk Spectre II). To me, she stands out as nothing more than a pretty face that looks like her character. While everyone around her seems to emote, showing depth to their characters, she falls completely flat to me. I couldn't buy what she was trying to sell.

I don't think the effects need much comment, really, you've seen the trailers, you had to have heard how much money is behind this project and the people involved. They are nothing short of amazing, as you would expect.

The incorporation of pop culture and news elements really help to create this as a cohesive package. While I felt a little overwhelmed with some of music, most of it was well placed and transports into their alternate 1985, recalling memories of the Nixon-free version we all experienced.

The ending of the film is different from the comic, some people seem really upset about this. I was aware of the ending of the book, but, I have to say that I am pleased with the way they ended the movie. I don't want to give anything away for anyone who doesn't know, but for me, the new ending makes a lot more sense to me.

I recommend this movie. There are flaws, but to me they are minor. This is as close as you can get to a perfect adaptation as you can get. Some people will love it, some will hate it, but I think it's still worth seeing.

(I'm sorry, I got a little rambley at the end there.)

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