Thursday, March 12, 2009

ThruYOU - Something Amazing


Remixing, re-sampling, re-creating: these are all things that I approve of, but only sparingly, at best.

This site, though, is nothing short of amazing.

What it is: Kutiman, an Israeli artist, has taken dozens of seemingly unrelated YouTube videos, everything from solo vocals to basic instructional videos to advertisements for items being sold on eBay, and put them together so deftly as to make a series of seven incredible tracks.

They're all up to see, plus a short 'about' video that allows you to meet the man.

Sure, there's the questions of copyright infringement, of someone using these videos for their own gain. I'm not normally in favor of the ends justifying the means, but these tracks are spectacular, and I have to say the sum is greater than it's parts.

It's worth a listen. Links are provided to all of the original videos as an overlay when you click 'Credits'. Some of the original videos are amazing on their own, and some, I feel, should feel lucky to have actually been turned into something unique and interesting.

I will, however, leave the ethical judgment up to you. My opinion is my opinion. Either way, I'm hoping that even if you don't necessarily approve of the methods, the end result is spectacular.

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