Sunday, January 7, 2007

good morning starshine...

it's me... horatio!

humberto ramos!

as you may or may not know, i'm a big comic book nerd.. having enough long boxes of comics to build a small fort... something akin to the alamo. one of my favorite pencilers of all time is humberto ramos, not because of his work on the spectacular spider-man, nor any of his other work in the marvel fair, but for his creator owned book crimson, which caused me to literally fall in love with his style. that isn't to say i don't like his work on various marvel titles, mind you, just that i fell out of love with marvel quite a while ago, and have instead been more interested in independant and creator owned stuff instead.

he's not got a blog-a-majigger which is fun to look at. it feels closer to knowing him than it does from seeing him across the floor at wizard world chicago '98 or later at the minnesota comicon in maplewood. he's a mexican artist, which, i don't know, makes me feel dirty to say. why does 'mexican' hold such a horrible place in our vocabulary, how can ones nationality be flung about as an insult?

anyway, perusing his blog, where he denounces the new spider-man 3 movie's rendition of venom as being too bubbleheaded, like macfarlane's take... (i lol'd), he has a post which mentions a new creator owned story... with a nifty sketch. all i can say is... yay!

it's been a long time since i've actually bought a comic book, being that most of my spare $3 bills have been going to pack after pack of cigarettes. cigarettes may not have the best art, or a good story, but they sure make me look cool. anyway, if this project goes forward, i may have to pick it up, for sure i will be keeping an eye on his little corner of the internet.

on a related note, mike wieringo finally joined the ranks of deviants at he's one of my favorite pencilers with a 'traditional style', a farcry from works of people like ramos, cheeks, humphreys, or keith... all of whom break from the diatribe of 'traditional' work. wieringo, instead, is always a safe bet that his work will be clean and very much inline with comic book art has always been... only, better.

welcome to 1996!

a farker on found a list of star wars quotes, made funny by changing a word within said quote to pants. hilarity ensues. i remember this being one of the first things i found on the internets back in the day... oh the 90's, how i love thee!

another great list inolves various lines from 'harry potter' where the word wand is changed to wang... oh the humanity!

it's soooo easy!

ever get a stitch in your side when running? i always thought it was one of those great mysteries, like, what the hell is your appendix for anyway?

according to, all you have to do to get rid of a stitch in your side when running is to change the way you exhale, so that it you're doing it when your left foot strikes the ground instead of your right.... huh... alright. i'll give that a try i guess...

a sad day for poor folks...
or anyone that's been poor at some point.

the reports that momofuku ando died of heart failure last friday. he was 96.

why is this important? ando was the inventor of instant ramen noodles and the founder of nissen foods. the man is responsible for a food that gets most everyone through financially rough spots in their lives. notably college kids. as i write this, i am boiling water for two packs of chicken flavor ramen, a meal with a total cost of 27 cents.

his spirit will live on in those nearly tasteless noodles and those little packs of whatever seasoning it is that comes with me.

always remember!

about me...

i have a great story about my night last night, but i really don't feel like writing about it... more over, i don't have a lot of time, i need to finish eating my noodles and get off to take care of a few things...

i will point out, though, that today is my younger daughter's birthday, she's 5 years old now!!! wow...


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