Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ian Flemming's Jame Bond, 007, in Quantum of Solace

I will make this fairly brief.

I didn't hate Casino Royale. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. I really dig Daniel Craig as James Bond. However, he doesn't seem capable of expressing human emotion. Casino Royale was written pretty poorly to begin with, and the fact that he was meant to be a green around the gills rookie who makes some mistakes and falls deeply in love with someone was just not really conveyed well in that film. Add to this the fact that film is very disjointed and completely loses thread at points makes it pretty hard to watch.

That said, Quantum of Solace improves on this a bit. Not much. But a bit.

The action sequences in this movie are frenetic (my word of the day) and balanced really well with the right amount of camera shake and quick cuts. They feel much like scenes from the original Bourne movie, which is great since that is one of my favorite action flicks of all time.

The story has some holes in it, and while I deplore films that try and cram the plot down your throat, I also dislike movies like this that seem hell bent on almost keeping you in the dark.

There are a lot of components that seem completely unnecessary throughout this movie, and the pace is a little muddled.

It's a Bond movie, and I enjoyed watching it for the most part, but I think I'll be much happier when we get away from this story line and move on to something Daniel Craig a bit better at playing. I'm hoping that they'll do one more to wrap up the 'Quantum' storyline, and since we're past Vespa and her killer now, Daniel Craig's Bond wont need to have emotion anymore, and I think I'll be much happier watching.

If you like Bond, you should enjoy this for the most part.

1 comment:

Willynate said...

I saw it last night and actually fell asleep in the theater for about ten minutes. When I woke up, I still didn't care.