Sunday, February 18, 2007

Just a Few Points....

So, I had a nice long weekend, I got out and had some drinks, I spent some time doing some cleaning, and catching up on a few things that I'd let go. I also watched a couple of really bad movies... hopefully now I can watch some GOOD movies... hopefully.

I'm still playing a lot of N, because I love me some platforming fun, even if it does get a little maddening at times when you can't get past a level. Oh well... it's all worth it... right?

Oh, I went to Costco today and bought some groceries. Ouch. Buying in bulk isn't cheap, but, I have enough hamburger now to last through the coming nukULAR winter.

Anyway, on to the links...

Quick... Everyone hate Bank of America!

Well, it seems the Wall Street Journal thinks the Bank of America is just awful. So says sites like MSNBC.

It seems BoA is offering secured credit cards to people who are not legal citizens of this fine country of the U S of A. So, it seems that people are looking at this as if BoA is actually urinating right in the face of the American Flag...

I believe what they are offering is a basic secure credit card with no credit check, which actually isn't that uncommon. Secure credit cards have been around for years, because the bank has very limited risk.

The concept is simple, customer gives the bank $500, they now have a 'savings account' with $500 in it, the bank gives them a 'Credit Card' with a $500 limit and a ludicrous interest rate.

It's no different than paying with cash except that it builds a credit history. Over time, usually a year or so, the bank will raise the limit without requiring additional security.

What's different here is that they are actually aiming the thing at illegal immigrants. Most secure credit cards will require a SSN but, I've seen them that do not before, and I always figured that's who they were aimed at... My only question is, if they're saying that it's to help them build a stable credit history, how can you build credit without a SSN? I mean, sure, Bank of America will trust you, but, it's not like you can walk into a Wells Fargo and get a mortgage by just telling them that BoA trusts you now.

Now, all of this, of course, hinges on the idea that this is something they are truly doing. So far it seems that the Wall Street Journal is the only source on this thing. My guess is that this program may be more geared toward people in the U.S. on work visas, who also do not have U.S. SSN's.

And, from that I think that I will point out that it seems very unlikely that a lot of immigrants are going to jump on a secure credit card, because, it's hard enough for them to make a few hundred dollars, I can't imagine the average immigrant worker just handing it out in favor of getting a hunk of plastic.... of course I could be wrong about that.

You can't fire me, I shot that man in the face because I have a medical condition!

Similar to the retarded excuse listed above, a man who was fired for surfing pr0n on the intarwebs at work is suing IBM, stating that he's addicted to the internet.

He claims that he is addicted to the internet due to the stress of seeing friends die during 'Vietnam'. He says that he became addicted to sex, then internet sex, then therefore the internet. Because of this addiction, he says that he's protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Anyway, this all too long article tells you all about it.

I think it's amazing the amount of press coverage this is getting. Even more amazing is that the guy is actually asking for $5M.

I don't know... I guess I could ramble more, but I think the story stands all by itself...

Polymer Displays are Neat!

2005's Hottest Announced

Now in 2007 we get a tangible product.

It's like the future is now!

Star Wars... Gangsta Rap?

I hate to say it... but this is actually pretty damn good... although, it's been rated NSFW for language (just language... You don't see Natalie Portman or Carrie Fisher naked... so, just click back to whatever Google search you were up to you sick sick person... GET HELP!)

And. I'm. Spent.

That's it for me now, but, I'll be back with more soon.... very very soon...

Be afraid.

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