Monday, February 5, 2007

the number 23

a quick note about a movie that really speaks to me...

i thought that i would take a minute to mention the new movie coming out: the number 23. before you ask why i'm talking about this semi-obscure movie... here's the main motivation:

my birthday is on february 23rd, my favorite number as always been 23 and... well... since this movie has the number 23 in its title, is all about the number 23 and comes out on february 23rd... besides that, any movie that has such a ludicrous number in it's title has got to be good! so, this post has a mulitple purposes, in that it allows me to point out that my birthday is coming up and let's me plug a movie that might actually be good....

so, here's the concept, jim carrey (yes, that jim carrey, the ace ventura pet detective mask cable guy inspector fire marshal bill burns, jim carrey), plays a man obsessed with a book that seems to point out an odd relationship to his life and the number 23. it seems to have something to do with a murder that's not yet been commited, but, apparently carrey believes that it will, and, if i'm not mistaken, he believes that he's the one to die.

the plot synopsis from imdb, as spartan as it is:

"A man (Carrey) becomes obsessed with a book that appears to be based on his life but ends with a murder that has yet to happen in real life."

i've never been a huge fan of carrey, but, i certainly don't hate him to the point that i want him to die in a fire, and the guy's actually done a few things that i've really liked, and if the trailers are any indication, he actually plays a normal human in tis movie. and, as much as i might hate to admit it, i thought bruce almighty was actually pretty damn funny.

anyway, it's directed by joel schumacher, who, despite the fact that the 'ch' combination appears twice in his name with two different pronunciations, neither of which are the common usage, has had a rather sketchy directorial history. the only movies on his imdb profile that are worth mentioning are 8mm, Phone Booth, and The Lost Boys.

in addition, carrey stars opposite of virginia madsen, her imdb profile has her credited for some seventy-odd movies and television shows... very few of them worth paying even the slightest attention to.

so, with a semi uninteresting cast and a director who's not had the hottest track record of all time, the chances of this movie being great are about 50%... at best.

however, the trailer does make it look pretty good, which, i know is exactly what trailers are supposed to do, but, i've got my fingers crossed, because there's absolutely every sign, portent, or omen that this might be something worth my seeing....

if you believe in such coincidences...

to check out the trailer, go here, because the one on the official site is pretty low resolution, and of you make the mistake of clicking anywhere on the page while it's playing, you'll actually stop the damn thing... at least, that's what happened on my crappy laptop that hates me.

anyway, thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter, as it's quite important to me...

also, i'll be expecting many gifts. thank you.

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