Sunday, February 11, 2007

Short and to the point...

I've got other stuff going on, so, I'm just going to hit a couple of points, there will be a deeper post soon, but for now, these tidbits will have to do. I'm working six days straight at work, but I'll have a 3 day weekend, followed by a 3 day weekend, so, I should be able to get some things done. I know you're all just salivating in anticipation for what I've got coming. A glimpse of things to come - I've got Office Ultimate 2007 now, I've been taking some macro shots with my camera of doom, I tried out a new mouse and I'd like to tell you all about it, I finished my daughter's party invitations, Mike suggested a great project idea I'd like to talk about a little bit, oh, and there's a new website coming down the line (but, it's more of a review of a service I'm trying...

For now, however, on with the links!

Cartoon Network CEO Takes the Fall!

This is almost sickening, a CNN Money article talks about Jim Samples, the (former) CEO of Cartoon Network, resigning over the advertising snafu I talked about previously.

Basically, [adult swim]'s aqua teen hunger force has a movie coming out. To promote it, a marketing company put up light boxes in various cities. Boston's populace flew into a panic when (a) passerby (s) mistook the box for a bomb and their crack police force spent a lot of resources defusing an advertisement. Turner (the company that owns Cartoon Network, and thus [as]) settled the matter in court for $2M, paying the city for the resources used and 'donating' to training and awareness programs.

Now, after all of this, Mr. Samples has actually stepped down, taking responsibility.

This is the most ridiculous series of knee jerk reactions I've ever seen. The fact that this was a ludicrously inexpensive marketing campaign makes it even funnier. I just don't understand this. I mean, I suppose the fact that this cost Tuner $2M might seem like a big deal, but, how much does advertising cost a company, really? This can't be written off as a reasonable expense?

Whatever, I guess I won't feel too bad, I'm sure the guy made more money than he deserved, and likely won't be heading for a life in a cardboard box. That doesn't mean it makes a lot of sense.


If you don't understand that, NSFW means Not Safe For Work. While you probably shouldn't even be reading random blogs at work, I'm sure, this video contains boobies... really great boobies, so, do yourself a favor, e-mail yourself the link and check it out when you get home.

Denmark gets hot naked chicks to hold up signs to convince drivers to slow down.

I really think that MNDOT needs to adopt this methodology, although, with wind chills in the negative double digits, I'm sure there might need to be some kind of adaptation. But, something must be done... I have a renewed interest traffic safety, that's for sure.

Need to make a quick buck? How about a quick 25 million bucks...

A $25M bounty has been offered to anyone who can come up with a remove 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere a year.

That's right, it's just that easy.

I'm going to try breeding massive lizard creatures that breathe CO2. My goal is to make them big enough to put their heads into lower ionosphere. Keep your fingers crossed, I might be moving up in the world.

I don't like Rolling Stone Magazine.

I don't. This artiblog is dumb. I get what they're trying to say, but, it's just dumb. Don't even bother to read it.

N and Soldat - 2 great games for free!

N... I still can't get enough of this simple platformer, I've mentioned it before, and I may mention it again...

Soldat... I just tried it, but, it harks back to the days of IPX/SPX networked games of Abuse. Try it out, I love platformers, they're the classic cool!

Welcome Chinese people!

I keep an eye on my traffic here, which, while not stellar, it is steady, and there are actually a few people that seem to be keeping tabs on this thing.

To you I say WORD!

However, something strange... over the last week, I've had quite a few hits from China. Stranger still, they have no referring link... it's as if they just out of the blue typed into their browsers...


Also, I'd like to welcome folks from: U.K., France, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Indonesia, South Africa, Canadia, Pakistan, and Redmond Washington (yes, that's right, there's actually a hit from, which I assume is some sort of bot/spider, though it's referring from this google search).

Anyway, just thought I'd take a moment to recognize my readers. ;)

That's all folks....

I'll see you right here next time!

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