Sunday, April 1, 2007

Another day...

Another several hours wasted...

Seriously... this has got to stop! Another friend picked up Supreme Commander yesterday, and he and I played a couple games tonight. Fun on a massive scaled, but damn, it's just life sucking!

Anyway... I've got a few things to talk about, and I need to get to bed soon, let's see what we can do in the time allotted...

Google TiSP: Free WiFi!

Alright, in a rare, but beautiful (yearly) move by Google, they've posted this hilarious bit of joy on their website. Ahh... April Fools, could there be a better day to visit I think not.

It's a farce of joy. I recommend that you go there, and click the 'Get Started with Google TiSP" button.

Once you've laughed at that for a while, check out their "FAQ".

And, as if all that isn't funny enough, you'd do well to view their press release.

N.Y. Politicians Discover Video Games

Seriously, after less than 48 hours of public release, New York politicians are upset about the GTA4 Trailer.

It's discussed here. What's funny is that they are taking offense to the game taking place in the video game's depiction of the happiest place on earth, New York City.

I guess they never played Grand Theft Auto 3.

Siberian Throat Singing....

Just check this out.

It's apparently more common than you'd think there. If you listen, there's a point where there seems to be a sound like a flute which carries under the whole thing. Someone has suggested, and I think they are correct, that this is the result of Heterodyning, which is the generation of new frequencies by mixing two or more signals together. It's the most likely explanation anyway.

Whatever the reason, it's pretty neat to listen to.


Now, I hate the RIAA and their quickening process of filing lawsuits against everyone on the planet. Recently, they picked another fight wherein they weren't up to the task.

They filed suit against a couple of individuals, and immediately their lawyer went Chuck Norris on their asses.

This is the letter that was sent by one Merl Ledford III, esq.

It's hilarious, and easy enough to read. Basically, the guy tears apart the suit that was filed against his clients, noting the RIAA's poor tactics, and historical failures. He points out their inability to file the suit in the correct venue, and offers that if the case is dropped, the RIAA will only have to pay a small amount of damages for ever filing the suit in the first place.

Here's how it opens:

Dear Mr. Kerr

Thank you for your letter of March 23, 2007 received in my office today. I did not receive a copy of the letter by PDF although that method of delivery was shown on the letter.

The headers of the letter include:

Incorrect Venue and Emotional Distress

Selling a Settlement and the AOL Subpoena

Independent Factual Investigation and Probable Cause to Sue: Background

Independent Factual Investigation and Probable Cause to Sue: Lack of Probable Cause

Settlement Option

Procedural Issues

Concluding Remarks and

Honestly, it's hilarious the lengths to which Mr. Medford goes to "help" the Plaintiffs attorneys.

Clearly, his work was well received, because almost immediately, they filed for the voluntary dismissal of the suit.

I love watching these guys crumble at the drop of a hat. It's pathetic.

Flash Joys

I love these games... this one is called Orbox B, it's a lot of fun, I'm as far as level 19, though, even with the walkthrough, I got pretty stuck on 13.

Go ahead, through a chunk of your life away.

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