Sunday, April 22, 2007

[insert obligitory humorous title here]

[insert obligitory humorous title here]

I really couldn't think of a title... it's sad, actually, because it means my brain has just about stopped working completely. They say that as we grow older, our brains stop growing, the gooey stuff, so often represented by macaroni in a bowl on halloween, it fuses and becomes rigid, our ability to learn tapers off. I think that I've actually hit a point where my brain is just failing altogether.

It's been a while since I've posted, and there's plenty for me to say, but, I'll still be keeping this relatively brief.

What I've been doing...

This is Mike, he's holding a camera, as you can see. He and I went out yesterday to shoot some video. Why did we do this? Well, the primary reason was to find out if we could. That might seem a little silly, so I suppose that a deeper explanation might make more sense.

Mike and I are working on a movie. More accuratley, Mike's got a movie, and I'm with him on it. It's more his thing than mine, to be honest. It's not that I don't have a passion, or a drive to make a film; for me, any creative outlet is a good one. I love the writing process, I love creating images, so, it's only natural to want to be a part of this. What I mean, when I say that it's more Mike's thing than mine, is that I'm putting time and effort into something that Mike wrote and will direct this. I'm not the primary in the project, nor am I even an equal or partner, I'm just along for the ride. I'm ok with that, but clearly, I'm pointing out, therefore it must be on my mind.

With that said, what we are working on is a film called Ink. It's a story that Mike has been working on for a while, quite a while. I'm really proud of him, because he not only finished the screenplay, but he's actually managed to re-write it with improvements, and written in an entire character without destroying the tenor of the story. I'm glad to be a part of it.

So, Saturday we went out and shot some footage, in an attempt to come with a working version of the first scene of the film. The goal was to shoot some footage, and then put it together and see what we missed. We recorded some audio, then took it back and put it into Premiere.

Premiere isn't that big of a deal, not the basic use. But, it was good to find out what we can do with Premiere, as well as Audition and After Effects. So far, Premiere and Audtion have proved easy enough to pick up, both use plenty of elements that I'm very familiar with, however After Effects is a little more indepth. It's not that it's unusual, because I'm relatively familiar with applications like it, such as Flash, but, I'm not familiar with working with video in this way. That's the next step. I haven't gotten that far.

I will say that I made a quick vid that I've uploaded on YouTube (yes, I'm on YouTube now... but of course, that was all about learning too...) it's of Mike and me in the car.

Anyway, that's the story of Saturday. You might notice that my screenshot of Premiere Pro (that's me in the car, aren't I a great actor?) is being run in something OTHER than Windows Vista. Yep, that's right, it's Windows XP. You see, I've finally found something I can't get to run in Vista. When I installed Premiere, it refused to run, telling me that my 'registration' information was incorrect. I actually ran into a similar problem with Photoshop at first, but that was easily fixable, I haven't been able to figure out the problem this time. Of course, I've thought about doing some reasearch, but before too long I figured that instead I would just use XP.

I've failed at Vista... for now.

The Departed

Don't consider this a full review. I just wanted to mention that I finally saw this.... I really enjoyed it, even with the obvious flaw of featuring Leonardo DiCaprio... I hate enjoying his work ... because I want to hate him so much. Either way, I can tell you one thing about this movie... which could mean that you won't need to watch it: EVERYONE GETS SHOT IN THE HEAD! It's creepy. I mean, don't get me wrong, the incredible blood spatters are amazing to behold, but, how the hell is EVERYONE such a crack shot in this movie?

Stranger than Fiction

I'm watching this movie right now... I have to admit that I am absolutely, wholeheartedly, completely and fully in love with Maggie Gyllenhaal. I've never, not even slightly, felt more attracted to a woman than she. Even in Donnie Darko, but sicne The Secretary... everything about her is what I want.

This is really unusal, because normally, I'm really not prone to that sort of thing. It's not that I don't find many screen actors attractive, but, something about her is different... it's strange. Perhaps I should seek help.

*EDIT / FOLLOWUP* I was stunned at the brilliance of this film. I will review it more fully at a later date and time, but, I have to say that it was a phenominal piece of work.


With that creepy little bit of information, I'm just gonna back away slowly and save you the trouble.

NOTE - Can you believe I that I didn't link any articles or information I found interesting? Me neither.

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