Saturday, April 28, 2007

Nothing much to report...

Nothing much to report.

This is my third post today, but there's actually a few things to talk about. There'll be some recapping of the day and some follow-up to a previous post. Then I have to get to bed, I have to be up in about five and a half hours.

Monty Oum : The Follow-up

In one of my last posts, I showed Monty Oum's new Haloid video, what I forgot to do was mention his deviantArt page. It's filled with some interesting stuff, not that I'm huge into the CG stuff, but his CG blended photos are a sight to behold. Of course, if you want to know more, you can just Google it.

Déjà Vu

I'll have to write a full review of this, but Mike and I watched this tonight. I love a good movie about temporal mechanics... but this one is just plain dumb. Mike said it best with, "it's like showing the audience the end of the movie at the beginning and saying "this is how it ends", and then trying to convince them that it ends differently an hour later."

Alright, that was loosely quoted, but you get the idea.

The PS3 HD Eye Toy + Eye of Judgment

Alright, the original eye toy was stupid. I tried to see it's value, but like so many other gimmicks, it just fell flat. This new one looks just as gimmicky looking, but with some impressive stuff behind it. According to the Kotaku write-up that Tycho of Penny Arcade directed me to read (he commands, I obey), It's high definition, runs 120 frames per second, and has 4 noise canceling mics. Seriously, they make it sound like it will be more high-end then the XL2 Mike and I are trying to procure for our film. I assume it won't come with the same price tag.

Now, all of that is to tell you about the game (you can see in the link), which uses the camera. It's a video card game like Magic the Gathering, or Pokemon. It's called Eye of Judgment, and it looks pretty wicked. The likelihood of sucking is pretty high, but it certainly piques my interest.

A quick Firefox tutorial...

I couldn't believe it when I discovered that Mike hadn't added search engines to the quick search bar in Firefox. Both IE7 and Firefox support more then the pre-installed mumbo jumbo, though the library for Firefox stuff is much larger. I'm sure you can see it up there, in the right corner, where you search Google. Click the drop down and choose "Manage search engines". In Firefox it will take you to, IE7 will take you to a similar place. If there's not enough options there, Firefox users can also check out the mycroft project, which has even more options. I roll with the Google, IMDB, Wikipedia, YouTube Videos, deviantArt, and but there's TONS of options (again, for Firefox users... for IE7, not so much). There's even some for Blogger.

Next time, maybe I'll talk about FireFox Add-ons (some of them are quite awesome).

And that's all I have for now... peace out interwebs. We'll see you tomorrow, maybe.

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