Sunday, December 7, 2008

32 Below Freezing

First point: It's 0 degrees. That's 32 degrees below the freezing mark, depending on how you keep score.

Second point: That means it's really cold.

Third point: I would really have preferred to have not been outside in the cold.

Fourth point (Having nothing to do with the first three): While normally finding the stuff from pretty hit or miss, the Google Reader Blog listed as a 'pick', and having chortled at Hardly Working in the past, I though I'd give it a spin.

Fifth point (relating entirely to the previous point): Over the last few days I've watched every single one... while sad, I'm ok with it. Funny is funny, and clocking in under 2 minutes each (with only a handful of exceptions), they're good for a quick laugh too.

Sixth point: I'm tired. Later.

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