Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not only is MC Hammer doing something...

but people seem to care. Joystiq is running a story about MC Hammer because he's apparently involved in a project with Activision.

They cite his Twitter page:

First: "I got one day to recover, then it's LA to Activision to get a glance of a top secrete[sic] project."

A day later: "Activision was fantastic ... action!"

So, from this, they've deduced the following: MC Hammer is still working professionally, and second, that he's involved in some sort of secret project (hopefully not a secreted project) with Activision.

I have to zero in on a completely different angle to this: MC Hammer is still somehow relevant. I'm not entirely sure how, being that I assumed he'd completely faded into obscurity over a decade ago. However, his 12,000+ followers seem interested in his activities. Moreover, Joystiq, a reputable news source to be sure, seems to be interested in reporting this gem.

Perhaps they, like me, have succumbed to morbid curiosity. What could Activision possibly want from the mostly defunct rap artist? Is this a glimpse at a new Guitar Hero? Guitar Hero: 80's Rap Edition?

Who knows. I suppose it's possible we'll find out eventually. When we do, you can be sure I more than likely spout off some opinion about it.

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