Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Update on the Disc Scritching...

er... Scratching.

So, Kotaku today link a story from Edge regarding the great Microsoft disc scratching epidemic of the 21st century.

Says a representative for Microsoft, "While we have had some users contact us with concerns about scratched discs, it is much less than 1 percent of the total Xbox 360 user base."

That's right, less than 1% according to Microsoft. Of course, 1% of millions is still tens of thousands, however, I have to side with Microsoft on this one (as I'm sure you guessed from the tone of my last post).

The representative goes on to say, "Xbox 360 is designed so that it will not damage a game disc as long as the console is not moved while the disc is spinning. Too much movement of any game console, not just Xbox 360, can cause scratches on a disc."

Now, I have say, as Kotaku pointed out at the end of their post, if a disc is scratched because you moved the console while the disc was spinning after being told not to, is it really Microsoft's fault?

Of course, this age we live in means that even explicit instructions can be ignored and still result in recompense, so I won't claim that there's no case against Microsoft, being stupid is, unfortunately, a reason for people to get paid (bearing in mind that Microsoft's policy is to replace the damaged discs).

Hooray for litigation.

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