Monday, December 8, 2008

Of Macy's and Santa

Well, as is the annual way of doing things, I've had my kids play hooky from school to take them to see the Macy's Christmas display at their 8th Floor Auditorium in Downtown Minneapolis. This year's theme is A Day in the Life of an Elf.

After, we went to Ridgedale Mall in Minnetonka to see Santa.

I have to admit that this year's display was better than I expected. I didn't have high hopes for this one for some reason I can't quite put my finger on. It was, however, cute, if not a little shorter than usual.

It's amazing, every year, because it seems I'm not the only parent making this decision. There are always a lot of children. I think it has a lot to do with being a single parent, I don't have my children on the weekends, just during the week, and when they have school, it limits the things that that I can do with them.

Anyway, here's some pictures.

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