Friday, December 19, 2008


Mightier from Ratloop on Vimeo.

I'm always interested in new and different ways of doing things if they work. I enjoy the idea of a level editor for a game, and I have to admit that the concept of drawing on a piece of paper certainly brings a new flavor to the world of gaming, even if it is a bit limited in capacity.

Mightier is a game I would very much love to try. I'm not sure if I will ever try it, because the idea of actually printing something out and then trying to 'scan' it with a webcam seems pretty, well, time consuming, but I'd definitely love to give it a try.

Being an experiment, I'm really curious as to whether or not they'll ever do something with this technology, if it might be refined and go somewhere with it. I imagine that it could be adapted for use with consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360, which both have webcam accessories. Maybe. The game does make concessions to those without a printer and webcam, but I imagine that the fun of the game has to come from solving the pencil and paper puzzles, even if they appear to be a little simplistic.

The other piece to this is the fact that you can draw your character, and give him some detail, although it looks like the system decides things like depth on it's own, it would be great if artists with a little more skill with a pencil could make some truly intricate character art for use with their game. Much like Spore and Little Big Planet, the ability to share these with others would also be a great feature.

I can also imagine future games using this concept could be fun. There have been other games where you can design basic enemies and characters, but this certainly presents a whole new dimension to user interaction. I have to give credit to Lucas Pope and Keiko Ishizaka for their creation.

From what I've seen, it looks like a good proof of concept, and if I ever get around to playing it, I'll tell you how well it actually works. In the mean time, I enjoyed the video, and find the idea compelling, so, that's something, yes?

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