Saturday, May 31, 2008

Some other images, only better....

Melissa and I went to dinner, and on the way to and from, we snapped some great shots of the incredible skyscapes, and a few other things.

These images have the advantage of having been shot with a slightly better quality camera than those I took earlier. These are just a handful of about 2 dozen shots.


Rain, rain...

Check out the dudes on the bikes... There's some poor planning.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Today's movies, and other such things...

There's a few things to talk about today, first, Melissa and I went to see The Strangers, then came home to watch The Orphanage. Also, I reset the Peek-a-Boo post code so that my blog works correctly in Internet Explorer.

The Strangers

Melissa and I went to see The Strangers tonight. It's really sad when you walk into a movie with low expectation and still find yourself deeply disappointed.

Bryan Bertino
's first film (both as a writer and as a director) shows he has potential, but this movie seems to be trying too hard. First, this movie is built on the premise that it's "based on a true story," but it's not, and that becomes clear when at the beginning of the movie, an announcer reads that the film is "Based on a true story," and then proceeds to tell us what those events were. If you really need to explain the event you've based your movie on, it probably didn't happen.

After we're told about these 'real events', we're treated to a series of very poor establishing shots, and we're shown that they didn't really feel it was necessary to invest in steadycam, I assume because they're too good for it.

Once we finally get ourselves established, we're treated to a long series of fairly predictable events, and finally the movie ends, and we're re-shown footage we saw at the beginning, which told us how it would end.

On that note, I'm not sure I understand why this has become so common, this trend that we're given the ending at the beginning of the movie. In a few situations, it makes sense, it can be pulled off, but in this case, all they managed to do was ruin the ending. It doesn't help that they seem to do this in an attempt to try and cement this 'true events' thing into your head at the outset.

Overall, I feel this one was really unfortunate, and I'm glad I didn't have to pay to see it. (Ahh, Fandango Codes!)

El Orfanato

The Orphanage (El Orfanato) is a Spanish language film from Spain, which has already taken a slew of awards. It's produced by the great Guiellermo del Toro, who's virtues I've extolled previously for films like Pan's Labyrinth, however, I will be talking about something that makes me very sad involving Mr. del Toro.

What we're talking about is a brilliant horror / thriller. The story is fairly well written, and acting is brilliant. There's really no reason not to see this movie. You might not be a big fan of reading subtitles, but this film is worth it.

Because I need to find fault with everything, thus enabling me to feel vastly superior to everyone and everything, there are a few minor nitpicks that I had with this.

Nitpick the first: The 'twist' in this movie is a little predictable. It's the sort of thing that you see and think, duh, and then it takes the rest of the movie for them to finally confirm it.

Nitpick the second: There is a good deal of assumption made by the main character at the end, when she's following clues around. This one is hard to explain without spoiling the film, which I'm trying hard not to do these days when reviewing them on the fly like this. Basically, there is a point at the end where you wonder how she's drawing the conclusion that she is, as if the decision the character has made seems like the most natural and basic of options possible, and in a film that has a good deal of basis in the supernatural, it seems a bit naive to take so much for granted.

However, I do not want this to steer you away from this movie. It's a great movie, and one that I'd really call a must see.

The Hobbit 2

Penny Arcade does a decent job explaining how I feel on this one.

The Hobbit 2. I was thrilled when I heard about the Lord of the Rings series, and when they announced The Hobbit, I was tickled, as it were, and when they yanked Peter Jackson from it and put Guillermo del Toro on the project, I thought for sure it would be an overall winner for sure.

Then I heard that they wanted to release a second "The Hobbit" movie in the hopes of 'bridging the gap' between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. While there is a lot of explanation about the things that happened between the two, there is no story that was actually written, and when you start inventing tales of the Middle Eearth, you're going too far. We're talking about over-priced fan-fiction (read that as greedy greedy greedy greedy!).


I've decided to pull the peek-a-boo post code so that it would work properly in Internet Explorer.

I checked out WordPress, and while there are some freaking amazing features over there, there's enough things that I can do (mobile / email / photo / video blogging) that I can't bring myself to switch. I'll be watching though.... there might come a time when it would make sense to head that way, but I still have a lot of faith that blogger will pull through.

Good night... I'm exhausted!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Something interesting today....

Alright, I have to admit that this day was rather uneventful, but I did find something to blog about, instead of sleep:

I found a 1903 Liberty 'V' Nickel.

Near as I can tell, it's probably only worth about $1.00 in it's condition, but there's still something very cool about finding a coin that's 105 years old. Honestly, I imagine what it would be like to dig up a Roman Denarius or Chinese Cash Coin. Obviously, the connections are loose, at best, but still, it's very interesting...

to me, anyway.

Of time and tiredness....

So, I sit here on the bed, the ending credits to Family Guy playing, and I'm considering the fact that I need to be up again in 6 hours, and for some reason I don't want to go to sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm tired, but right now all I want to do is write.

The problem is that I'm sure anything I write now would be crap, I'm sure I'm more tired than my brain is telling me, and if I write, I face spending tomorrow even more tired than is already destined.


Alright... maybe I'll just read a little...

My apologies to Internet Explorer users...

While you should be using FireFox anyway, the sidebar on this page is not longer visible in Internet Explorer because the of the Peek-a-Boo post hack that I'm using.

I've finally gotten the code to work, which required using a second hack they didn't have connected to the first post over at Beautiful Beta. However, now the SideBar doesn't show up in Internet Explorer, which is really frustrating.

I'm going to work on getting it fixed, but if I can't get it soon, I'll be scrapping it altogether.

What's odd is that I've seen other Blogger pages that use this hack that seem to have no problems at all in internet explorer, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work for me. I have the feeling that it has something to do with this way that blogger forms the floats for pictures, but I think it would be easier to remove the code and just let my posts run long than it would be to go through and try and change how I've posted pictures in all my previous posts.

Of course, it wouldn't be an issue if Internet Explorer wasn't such a terrible browser, but being it's still the dominant browser (people tend to use what's already there, not knowing that it is really terrible), it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep my blog malformed in IE.

Oh well... I've wasted enough time on this today.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


For some reason my peek-a-boo posts have become horribly broken, and whenever I try to fix the html I get a bX error (blogger specific error code).

Man, it's kinda like a kick in the nuts though, because I can't figure out why it's not working. I was guessing there was something terribly wrong with the code so I decided to just wipe it out and start over, but for some reason that still didn't help.

I'm just wracking my brain now for what might be causing the problem.

Now I'm running a different template... and for nothing.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Of blasphemy...

One of things that I tend to notice is the unconscious forms of blasphemy that pop up from time to time. It's not that I'm looking at these things as a measure of one's faith, but still it seems strange how often you might hear someone discuss their religion, and then blaspheme in the same breath. I have two such stories to tell, so click Read more... to read on.

First, a man was talking to me in line to check out. He'd just made some photocopies and was telling me about how God had saved his life. He's a single amputee, a scruffy middle aged man with only one leg which was amputated at his groin. He started telling me about his last pelvic surgery, his fifth such surgery in 5 years, and that he decided to put his life in God's hands. He told me of how his recovery was much shorter than any of his previous surgeries and he that he's certain it was because of God.

After his surgery, he began coming up with different acronyms that helped him with his faith. He handed me a slightly formatted sheet, something he clearly typed up in Word or something like it, which was 2 sided and had about 15 of these things, as well as a couple different versions of the Serenity Prayer.

He told the first he'd 'come up with' with was FROG or Fully Rely On God, and he told me this while patting a couple of stuff frogs he had attached to his electric wheel chair, explaining that when he was worried or needed guidance the frogs would help him.

I said little, he mostly lead the way. He told me about talking to people on the bus, and how when he'd chair his acronyms, they would sometimes ask if he'd heard ones that they knew, and his list would get a little longer. He assured me that the list was mine to do with what I wanted, whether it was share it with others, or just throw it away. He even went as far as to tell me that none of it was copyrighted.

When it came time to pay, he found that he was out of checks, and began scrounging around his tattered fanny pack, looking for something, and muttering about his last trip to the emergency room when they had kept his fanny pack in the ambulance and he was forced to cancel all his cards and replace his ID. He eventually got back the fanny pack, but he still hadn't gotten his new check card.

His search started to get more frantic, and finally he started cursing under his breath, "God Dammit" and finally, "Shit!" and "Fuck!" I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at this man, who was telling me about his belief in God, and his personal relationship with Jesus, yet he was so willing to blaspheme for something as simple as not finding his cash.

The second story is a lot shorter, but still in the same vein. In this case I saw a Jewish man, he wore a black kippah and a tallit katan under his suit jacket, and had the type of beard common within the Hasidic Jewish community.

He was walking along on his telephone, having a conversation, when I heard him exclaim, unmistakably, "Jesus Christ!" Being that his religious beliefs do not include the new testament, taking what Christians call the Old Testament as the Hebrew scripture, it seems very odd to me to hear this sort of exclamation.

Now, this is coming from someone that has found faith far away from organized religion, I just find it very strange. I suppose it's easier for me to take the stance of an observer in this case, since I'm very much on the outside of things.

Just my 2¢.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Great Sadness

So, if you follow this blog, which you don't, you know that I went this morning to view the new installment of the Indiana Jones series, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. If you have had even an instant of media interaction over the last year, you're probably aware of the films release.

I have voiced my fears going into this film previously. Sadly, for the most part, those fears panned out. I won't say that I hated it; I enjoyed it for what it was, but I still found myself groaning and laughing and things other than your typical sight-gag.

I must warn you that clicking "Read more..." will bring up a review that is filled with spoilers. Although it's not a definitive list of spoilers, you might find yourself frustrated having not seen the movie. This is one of those reviews you should only read AFTER you've seen the movie, and while I have problems with the movie, I still recommend that everyone see it. So, without further ado...

The story takes place in the late-50's. We find an aging Indy emerging from the trunk of a car on the business end of a mob of KGB guns, rather than Nazi's, since we're now embroiled in the Cold War. There are a few quips about his age, and a daring escape where the alien corpse from Roswell is stolen, the container of the Ark of the Covenant is broken and makes a cameo, and ends in Indy hiding in a lead lined refrigerator at ground zero of a U.S. nuclear bomb test.

Now, I'm all about the over the top nature of Indiana Jones, and I am a strong believer of the corny humor, but throughout the opening sequence, there's a running gag involving computer generated prairie dogs (the Paramount Mountain logo this time is transformed into a mound from which emerges one such critter).

Shia LaBouf is still not a very good actor. I've tried hard to enjoy his work, but I just can't do it. I'm driven crazy by a bit later in the film where he's up a tree, and follows the suit of a bunch of monkeys and swings vine to vine to catch up with the harrowing car chase well ahead.

Perhaps it is nit picky, but I was very upset by the fact that there were no truly gruesome (i.e. graphic) deaths, unlike the previous Indy films. I'm sure to many this seems like petty griping, but it just struck me as further proof that this franchise has failed on some level.

At first I was a little frustrated with the idea of a story based on space aliens with crystal based skeletal structures; their skulls seemingly retaining knowledge and powers. However, I was willing to accept it, and I did this for a couple of reasons. The first is that there have been tales of alien influence of ancient 'advanced' civilizations. The second is the plain and simple fact that I was willing to accept the Ark of the Covenant too, and really, if you wanna talk about things that are implausible, or simply unproven, the likelihood of God and the Ark of the Covenant seem as though on the same level.

(I'm just expressing a corollary between the unproven nature of aliens, atlantis, God, and the male multiple orgasm... any angry comments regarding this will likely be ignored.)

Since I've voiced opinions on other spoilers, I might well point out that Shia LaBouf plays Henry Jones III. In a stunning turn of events, we find that Indy and Marion Ravenwood had a child. I suppose that it's no less gimmicky than Sean Connery as Henry Jones, Sr. or the revelation that Indy is named after the family dog... but it still just seemed way too easy. (Also, the geriatric wedding at the end between Indy and Marion silly to say the least.)

Yet I have to admit that I was still entertained. Maybe I'm being too critical (although I think I should be allowed some leniency given that this series and I are very near the same age), but even with my frustration, I still felt a lot of the same excitement that I have for the previous Indy movies. There's still something about the swell of the fanfare with his trademark theme, something about the sound of his bull whip sizzling and cracking through the air, something about the way he delivers his lines that still just feels good.

So, do I recommend seeing it? Yes. Will I watch it again? Yes.

This movie is still an installment in one of the most beloved series of all time, and it still manages to do what it set out to do, which is entertain. I have to admit that I feel there's a certain level of greed in picking up this franchise after so long, but I do feel like this film really was created to entertain more than just make money.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

Rain and Tornadoes

The rain absolutely pounded the ground this evening. Apparently, there were reports of touch town within miles of my home. Luckily, all I got was some torrential rains and dime to quarter sized hail. There were two major cells that passed over me, and neither of them let go for more than a few minutes.

You can hardly tell from the video, but the rain was flying sideways down the river. I took a few other pics and videos with my actual camera, which I might attach to this post later.


I got a few more things to add to this one... first, I got some video of the hail as the second cell passed over head. (The production value on this one is a bit better than the video from my Mogul above.)

I also got a few pictures of during the first cells passover, as it were. From what I understand, there was a tornado that either touched down, or came very close to touching down only a couple miles north east of me in Coon Rapids. I did hear that there was a good deal of damage done from the second cell in Hugo, MN, which is only about 35 minutes east of where I live.

I feel very lucky that there was no damage on my end of things, and everyone I know is ok, and that I was able to stand out in it with my daughter's Hello Kitty umbrella over the camera to take a few shots.

That was unfortunate....

I will get into more detail when I can but I'm fairly disappointed...

Hello Sunday Morning!

Woo... Wish me luck!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Unnamed Blog Entry

Whirlwinds of action and adventure have kept me so very busy...

Well, actually, that's not exactly true. More accurately, I've been busy doing random things, and wasting time.

Saturday found Mike, Melissa and myself enjoying the first 3 installments of Indiana Jones in preparation of the new film. We had pizza, liquor, and an overall good time.

For me, it was a lot of fun because it had been so very long since I'd sat down to watch an Indiana Jones film. They're as wonderful as I remember, and as silly, and over the top.

Last week I watched the new National Treasure 2 in High Definition and found it pretty enjoyable. It's hard for me not to compare the National Treasure movies to Indiana Jones because of they're 'treasure hunting' nature, but they are very different. I found that Mike wasn't as receptive of this series, although if he told me why, I wasn't really paying attention. We seem to differ a lot of the big money Disney blockbusters, i.e. Pirates / National Treasure.

I really don't hold the Pirates series in really high regard. The first was good, and came out at a good time. I didn't dislike it, but I never thought it was so near to amazing as a cure for cancer would be as people treated it. The second came out, and I enjoyed it, and with the third I was just shrugging at the end, trying hard to figure out why they even bothered to make it.

National Treasure on the other hand just hit me better. Perhaps it's because I went in expecting to hate it because it's not Indiana Jones, and because it features Nicholas Cage, who I pretty much hate, even when I love the movies he does (Bringing Out the Dead is a great example). Whatever the reason, I enjoyed the first, and enjoyed the second, even with it's flaws (such as kidnapping the President who, for whatever reason, can't tell his people it was an accident until AFTER the big to-do, even while being on his kidnapper's side... an unnecessary device to increase tension).

So, we'd watch National Treasure 2, then Melissa wanted to re-watched National Treasure, which we did on Friday, and then Saturday we watched all three original Indy movies. This last week has been a huge treasure hunting adventure fest, and that's all right.

Now, I just need to get out to see the new Indiana Jones joint. I'm hopeful, but I'm trying really hard to stay realistic about it. The problem is that, while it's hard to screw up this series because of how over the top it is, if they do screw it up, it will be absolutely devastating. Mike's biggest fear is too many call-backs to the originals, and I have agree with that. I have no problem with referencing snakes, and his hat blowing off and rolling back and what have you, but they have to be simple, and done right.

Beyond that, I'm not too worried. The fact that Harrison Ford will soon celebrate his 264th birthday has little bearing on it, the fact that they're setting it in the 50's doesn't really bother me, and I'm sure I'll even survive Shia LaBeouf. I've tried to stay away from reviews, and for the most part even preview write-ups. With a little luck, it'll turn out good, I'll enjoy it, and be better off for having watched it.

I'll let you know.


...this post was supposed to have been a short note to let you know what I've been been up to... instead I've written a rambling discourse about movies.

Also, when I got home from work with afternoon, I was tired as hell... I'm pretty sure I should try and sleep now.

Take it easy y'all...

P.S. I'll proff raed this anuthar time... I'm sure it's bad.

Video Testing

Ok, I have discovered I can't upload to YouTube on my phone since they still don't seem to support mpeg4, which begs the question, why support mobile uploads if they don't support the formats phones use?

Oh well, at least I can upload some video. Apparently Google Video is the way to go...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Ducks is cute....

Seriously, they're just adorable.