Thursday, March 8, 2007

Some news you can use!

Not really, no. You can’t use it. It’s just for show…

Some semi-obligatory information about me. Don’ you just love it when I share?

First, I’m writing again, which is refreshing since I love it so very much. I’ve got a lot of thoughts beating around the inside of my skull there, where the brains are kept. So, feel free to head over to my writing blog of doom, ad petum literae, where I have posted the outlines of a new short story, which is so far untitled. I’ve also made some massive grammar and spelling corrections to “About A Girl” and “Chelsea” as well. I’m hoping to dig into a couple more of my titles soon and get some work done. I will finish something soon!

In other news, I created a new business card which I’m pretty proud of. I probably shouldn’t be, but oh well. It’s part of a test of a new system we’re using at work, and the bottom line is that I get some fine ass business cards for free. You couldn’t beat that with a stick. Not even if you tried really hard.

In addition to all this, I’m really excited because Mike has started working on a new script that’s pretty awesome. I’m not going to say anything about it, but it’s really pretty cool. Now, if he’d just finish ‘Ink’, we’d be in business!

On to the links!

Something I’ve been saying for a while now!

Well, not exactly, but along the same vein anyway. The National Geographic website has an article about the warming of polar ice caps on Mars, you know, the planet in our solar system that doesn’t have cars and factories and things.

In this case they are pointing blame at the Sun. One of the many factors to be the cause ‘global warming’.

I’ve been saying for a while that falling into Al Gore’s over animate, although hypnotizing, propaganda train about billions of tons of CO2 being pumped into atmosphere was all a bunch of tripe. People fear what they don’t understand. They don’t understand that the planet as been going through cycles since long before we were here, and will continue to do so long after we’re gone.

Go ahead, drive that fucking Suburban man, and drop the hammer in your Impala SS. Feel free to flush your toilet at the same time as your tap runs while you’re brushing your teeth.

Bah. We need to be more worried about over-population than global warming.

Commodore Returns!

There’s news that Commodore is coming back. They are planning on releasing a whole new series of gaming optimized PC’s!

I for one remember the good old days of the Commodore64, so, the idea is very intriguing!

I won’t buy one. No sir. But, it’s still good to hear.

Feel like posting in that forum? Wait, you need to know something…

This is just damn funny.

So, your user interface is the dog, right?

I just don’t get this, although I’m trying. The new Fable, Fable 2 (because, if you remember, the last one was actually Fable 1.5 for PC) is going be something very different from the first.

No, you still get to choose your alignment all throughout. However, you’ll now get to choose between male and female controllable characters. This seems fine and dandy, but, there’s the fact that your characters now get to have sex, and, if you’re a male, you can knock up yourself an NPC. If, however, you’re female, you can get yourself knocked up. I’m not sure what that will do to your “wisdom” stats, but I imagine that as your pregnancy progresses, you’ll find yourself “Speed -9” and “Movement -6” as well as “Irritability +92” and “Bloating +31”. I wonder if they’ll have virtual PMS and menstruation.

Well, as if that wasn’t enough to throw at fans who’re curious about their new title, they also mention that you get a dog. Your dog. Who also somehow acts has your user interface. You don’t get to control the dog, rather, it’s just there, and it gives you useful information. You don’t get a map or an on screen HUD, you get a dog.

I just wonder what happens if Rover tangles with the wrong bandit and ends up heading to the big dog house in the sky… are you clueless for the rest of the game?

Thus it ends.

That’s it for now, as I’m tired, and I think I have carpal tunnel.

Catch you later!

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