Thursday, December 14, 2006

amd's going to try something new...

well, this isn't unusual... a article discusses amd's announcement that they are done with the 'core' race.

it appears that they don't feel the core race is a worthy endeavor, and is merely a repeat of the previous 'megahertz' race of years past. they feel that they and intel could easily start adding 'hundreds' of cores to their processors, but the next step actually lies in 'APU's'... accelerated proccessing units. basically, these would be addition processing units on the die that would work at specific needs, whether it's for specific applications, graphics, physics, even a.i. and other tasks. it's intriguing.

their quad core processors are slated for 2007.

they also announced their plans toward their new mobile processors, which include some very interesting things in terms of 'hybrid' technology. including hybrid harddrives, which are a combination of flash and magnetic media. as well as 'hybrid graphics' which is supposed to be a mix of a discreet and dedicated graphics chips... both technologies are meant to give you much better battery life from your laptop.

man i love technology...

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