here's a gun...
and here's an article about the gun.
"Imagine a gun with no recoil, no sound, no heat, no gunpowder, no visible firing signature (muzzle flash), and no stoppages or jams of any kind. Now imagine that this gun could fire .308 caliber and .50 caliber metal projectiles accurately at up to 8,000 fps (feet-per-second), featured an infinitely variable/programmable cyclic rate-of-fire (as high as 120,000 rounds-per-minute), and were capable of laying down a 360-degree field of fire. What if you could mount this weapon on any military Humvee (HMMWV), any helicopter/gunship, any armored personnel carrier (APC), and any other vehicle for which the technology were applicable?
That would really be something, wouldn't it? Some of you might be wondering, "how big would it be", or "how much would it weigh"? Others might want to know what it's ammunition capacity would be. These are all good questions, assuming of course that a weapon like this were actually possible.
According to its inventor, not only is it possible, it’s already happened. An updated version of the weapon will be available soon. It will arrive in the form of a...
there's a video, which makes me laugh because it's so poorly produced. the whole thing feels like a 'spoof' to be honest, but, it looks like a bloody amazing weapon. it's 'futuristic', as if the future is now... it's worth taking a look at.
grand canyon is... how old?
read this article... it's short, but very funny.
man attempts to steal a hotel...
doesn't quite fit down the pants...
this article is just funny, at least from a headline perspective.
ps3's are not as profitable as people hoped...
there's been a substantial decline in the grey market of ps3's, according to this article. his thought is that video game systems are NOT something for investment purposes.
saddam's execution
this wiki article tells the ongoing story of saddam's execution and the worldwide reaction. it's mildly interesting to read the reaction of various nations.
and that's that...
i haven't much to say about me at this point... so, i'll instead go to bed. good night internet.
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