Friday, December 29, 2006

so much, and so little...

saddam hussein was executed...

it's over, he's dead. he was never tried for all of his crimes, he'll go down in the history books as 'accused of...' for most of his crimes. obviously he can't be executed more than once, but it still seems like justice is not served by acting with such haste.... but i digress, i don't mourn his departure, or really care so much that he's dead even, which almost makes me feel callous, but then i realize that he's a terrible person who's commited a lot of evils and really only got what was deserved.

pan's labyrinth

my good friend mike sent me a link to this site today. on it you can find trailers to this new and gorgeous looking film. after reviewing the site, and doing some 'research', i've decided that this looks great. i've now got two films in 2007 that i am very much looking forward to seeing. frank miller's 300 and pan's labyrinth. sure, there are a few other films coming that look good, but these looks, quite frankly, phenominal!

the plot of the film from imdb's pan's labyrinth page (listed as "el laberinto del fauno" under it's orignal spanish name) reads thusly:

"Pan's Labyrinth" is the story of a young girl that travels with her pregnant mother to live with her mother's new husband in a rural area up North in Spain, 1944. After Franco´s victory. The girl lives in an imaginary world of her own creation and faces the real world with much chagrin. Post-war Fascist repression is at its height in rural Spain and the girl must come to terms with that through a fable of her own.

the film is written and directed by the great guillermo del toro, who is responsible for such films as mimic, hellboy, and one of my personal favorites, the devil's backbone. the plot listed above does not do justice to the sheer beauty that this film seems to possess, where it has the feel of a darker alice in wonderland and labyrinth, it seems to follow the story of a young girl not trapped in another world, but actually creating it. it's artisticly invigorating, and i just enjoy looking at it.

according to the wiki article, pan's labyrinth is salted as an informal sequel to the film the devil's backbone (el espinazo del diablo), which, after thinking for a moment, i recalled very clearly as a film i enjoyed very much. it tells the story of a young boy left orphaned in 1939 in a run down mission in mexico near the end of the spanish civil war. it's a great film, if for no other reason than it's got a ghost in it. it's one you should definitely watch as well.

of course, i say that a lot.

either way, i'll see this, hopefully you will too, and when i write my review, we'll all be on the same page. ;)

watch out for the fish...

the sign makes them look so unassuming, all under the water, but clearly, they felt there was a danger worth noting. i'm curious as to what exactly they'll be doing that i should be watching for... jumping, walking, flying, firing large caliber rifles from high in the trees...? the mind boggles....

BEES!!! has long filled me enjoyment, whether there's a man claiming to be an insider at the whitehouse and spilling secrets about rumsfield and his flatulence, or the goons just happened to find a photo of something normally mundane and transform it into something so much more than the sum of it's parts.

this thread, however, is about a man in florida who goes mano e. beeos... er.. well, frankly, all you can do is click the link and check out the photos. there's a lot of photos. all of them make you want to laugh, in that sad laugh that's normally reserved for watching those with mental handicaps do things that shouldn't be funny, but is.

12/23. never forget.

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