Thursday, December 21, 2006

conspicuously absent?

i've been missing a couple of days...

the last couple of days have been fairly busy, the final days of the holiday shopping season have resulted in long hours both early and later in the day. in addition, i got a new toy for christmas, and have been playing with it quite a bit, you'll have to see below for information on that... also, there's not a lot going on in terms of links and things, i've not spent a lot of time in from of the computer, nor have i really seen or heard anything that's caught my eye, but all that changes... NOW.

prepare for links!

first, in the interest of christmas....

as i mentioned previously, i've been bitten by the christmas spirit! and, to that end, a link that was posted for my perusal is now being reiterated, the fanpop christmas spot!

the christmas spot is a massive link to various media outlets across the interwebs for full length christmas joys! they include things like 'how the grinch stole christmas', 'the star wars christmas special', family guys' 'merry freakin' christmas' and so many others! to be precise, there are 101 links, although, whilst clicking, i did notice that several had been removed due to 'copyright' violations, but most were still up. so, sit back, relax, and bring on that fucking christmas spirit! ;)

speaking of copyrights...

this article about a ruling regarding hyperlinking to copyrighted material in australia.

Judge Branson of the Federal Court bench wrote:

"I conclude that Mr Cooper infringed the Record Companies’ respective copyrights in sound recordings by in Australia authorizing internet users to do acts comprised in those copyrights, namely make copies of the sound recordings. I also conclude that Mr Cooper infringed the Record Companies’ respective copyright in sound recordings by authorizing operators of remote websites to communicate those sound recordings to the public in Australia."

basically, it's just as bad to show people where they might find something that is copyrighted as it is to steal the copyrighted materials yourself....

it's interesting to me.

9 minutes of japanese hilarity

just watch this... trust me!

i got an early christmas present!!!

...from a rather unlikely source too. a friend from work was kind enough to present me with a microsoft zune for christmas. it was a bit awkward as i'm not able to give him anything near as extravagent for the holiday, but he was insistant that he do soemthing for me, and i finally caved.

now, something to say up front. i've been very skeptical of the zune... it's not exactly gotten a lot of great press, good reviews, or ownership... yet. (note, that sun times article is written by a macworld contributor... just a note. ;))

however, there are some great reviews, funny stories, cute ipod fanboy arguments, funny video spoofs, and there are people out there that love there zunes... i'm fast becoming one of them.

it looks good... at first i didn't like the plastic case, but it's scratch resistant, and comfortable to hold, way more comfortable to hold than my old ipod, or the new ipod videos. the interface is excellent, and navigation intuitive, and the graphics are breathtaking, it's leaps and bounds ahead of the plain jane ipod. the 3" screen is pretty as hell, and the videos run without a hitch. it sounds good, works great, and has a lot of avenues that are being explored even as i write this. there's soemthing that has to be said right off the bat, i don't think anyone has ever release a 1st generation product that has been so solid right out of the box... honestly, it's fabulous.

there are a lot of things you can do with the zune, and more coming everyday, and i'm glad to have it. i would never have paid for one myself, not without trying it, but now that i have it... i can't imaging dealing with a click wheel again.

some things already being done...

use your zune as harddrive - it's true, microsoft didn't like the idea of it's zune being used as a mass storage device, like almost every other mp3 player on the planet, but who cares, nerds can fix anything!

video options? - so, my hard drive does contain a 'few' divx / xvid options that aren't supported by the zune, but there's plenty of ways of converting those to mpeg4 or (ugh!) .wmv, in edition, i own movies, why shouldn't i be able to play them on ANY device i own too?

tear it apart? or maybe put linux on it? - ooooohhhh yeah... it's a closed ended product... you know peeps are gonna tear it up!

why not add a bigger hard drive? - WHY NOT DO THAT THING!!! man, the beauty is that it's not all the hard, and it works! a 40gb will fit in the case, but sooner or later we'll be able to cram a 160, 300, or a full terrabyte (of course, that will be around the time the zuneboxcube 360/540 is released).

so... fuck it, i like my zune, now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to watch an episode of jericho on a 3" screen... just cause i can! ;)

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