Friday, December 29, 2006

for those with an interest...

not a lot tonight...

i've been busy, as inpiration has been my friend of late, i've been working on some of my writing. if you have any interest, i've set up a seperate blog, ad pedem litterae, for these works.

i have it set to list a single post, which will be a table of contents, which i will update as i update the writing. for now, there are only three of the several pieces i am noodling away on at the moment, but i hope to get more up soon.

i'd appreciate any constructive criticisms you might have.

a video worth note...

a friend found this fantastic video, it's a freefall from space of a pair of boosters off a recent shuttle launch. it's about five minutes long, the sound is incredible, and the view is also quite astounding. it's worth a watch.

some poetry...

in a place where words have no meaning,
and thoughts get lost in a tangle of questions
that have no answers.
you will find me,

in a time before the beginning,
long after the end.
where sleep is lost to the turn of the earth.
there i will be,

when the tragedy is complete
and words cannot express,
feelings come in waves, pain at the crest,
there will i be,

in a way that's so clear and perfect,
with logic unfailing so that
the truth cannot be denied.
i will be there,

forever i will be; lost, alone, unkown.

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