Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mail Googles

Ahh, brilliance has reared its ugly head again, presenting us with the greatest add-on for the serial drunk-dialer in all of us.

Mail Goggles.

This nifty Google Labs entry kicks in late at night, right around the time you're done drinking, and begin thinking about that girlfriend that left you three years ago, or perhaps the one you kicked out for shooting heroin with your kids. After writing up, in as many words as you can muster, all the ways that you love her and want her back, and you hit send, a nifty screen pops-up to verify that you really should be sending that email.

If you fail, you're told to go to bed, and your message is saved for something to laugh at when you sober up.

Other uses: preventing you from emailing the boss about his 'micro-management skills', telling your buddy about your night (by way of your mother's email address), and submitting pictures of your genitals, by email, to anyone, anywhere, for any reason.

Of course it only works with GMail, but it's certainly another good reason to get you some GMail.

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