Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Unfinished Swan

Nedwards thinks this is neat:

Now, I'll agree with him on principle, but I can't imagine playing this game for very long. See, when I look at something that is different than has been done before, I often find that there's a reason it hasn't been done. Usually because it's just not good or interesting or worth the time it takes to make and play.

A good exception to that, of course, is Portal. (The new version of which I recently got on Xbox Live Arcade and have been enjoying immensely.) In this case, I'm not sure what to make of it. Apart from the annoying sounds the gun makes, and the fact that there seems to be nothing more to do than to wander around, trying to find your way from point a to point b, presumably without dying, the draw seems limited to me.

Now, being a Tech Demo, and being that I've done absolutely no research on the game beyond this video, maybe there's going to be more to it.

If that's the case, then it might be worth another look... and in that case, I would suppose it would show up in one of my many RSS feeds I waste my time on. Should that happen, I'll tell you what I think about it.

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