Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Guild - Season 2

So, I went back, because I was trying to find when I'd posted about 'The Guild' here before, but after digging through posts for a while, I discovered that I hadn't. That seems odd, because I swear I spent time making the key clackity clack about it. It's also a shame, because it's great, and I think the world should be well aware of it. Not that they're likely to hear about it from me, but still...

The Guild is an online sitcom. Online shows are called webisodes, but I have such an aversion to the term, though, I can't really tell you why. I think it might be simply because I can't call an online show a 'webisode' as a whole, because the term webisode sounds like a single instance of said show. The problem is that we need a whole new classification of online shows, with fresh new terms that fit with better and diverge more from television...

Wow, that was some rambling.

Where was I?

Ah, yes, The Guild. It's an online show that is written by, and stars, Felicia Day. I recently talked about her when I posted about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (which you can now watch again on the site, as opposed to YouTube. If you still haven't watched it, you need to remedy that immediately!). She's one of those people you see as being a real actress, yet in every way, she's a very real person. Clearly, she doesn't have the status and stature of the more untouchable sorts, but still, she seems like someone that would be awesome to hang out with. Which is, I assume, how she has such a cult following as people imagine her being approachable, real, and overall, just very cool (umm, third paragraph down on that link). (Come on, she actually runs The Guilds website (well, wordpress blog), seems to actually use Twitter and plays World or Warcraft (ok, I won't hold that one against her)).

Anyway, if you've been reading this post instead of checking out The Guild, you're doing it wrong. You need to go watch the first season, which is ten episodes, and will take you around 45 minutes to an hour to enjoy. It's funny. Very funny. There's also plenty of links that will take you to various other media that is also funny. You can also read the posts, and see how much the show has interacted with the fan community, which is also pretty fun to see as well. I'm tired of hyperlinking things, so, I'll just let you wend your way about the site yourself. You'll find the funny. It's good.

The point of this thing is that there's an interview with Felicia Day after her screening of The Guild at PAX on Joystiq, which reveals that filming of Season 2 is coming. You can just read the highlights, or can you listen to the whole thing, which is pretty entertaining overall, and lends credibility to my previous statements about her being a real person.

So, with Season 2 forthcoming, there's even more reason to get caught up on the lives of these sad sad MMORPG players. I'm sure you won't regret it. Probably.

(Ugh, I promised myself that I'd had enough PAX coverage crammed down my throat, and that there was no need to re-post any of it on here... then they go and tell me about season 2 of The Guild, and my plans were foiled!)

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