Saturday, September 13, 2008


I saw Traitor about a week ago, and really had almost nothing to go on. This was not a movie preceded with any sort of fanfare. Given the sheer volume of movies I watch, I was actually amazed that I couldn't recall a single trailer about the movie.

So, as usual, I went into the movie with some reservation, but trying hard to be open minded. I'll admit that the bar might have been a little high just because the star of the film is Don Cheadle, a man who has yet to let me down, when even in a bad movie, he still gives a great performance.

Thankfully, I wasn't let down.

The story is well written, and doesn't take too many liberties. It unravels at a decent pace, layers being peeled off one right after the other. The characters are both real and believable. You experience the majority of the film following Muslim Terrorists, and while the writer's personal opinions about the wrongs of their actions are clear, it doesn't sour the story.

There are some down notes, however. The direction is good, but not stellar. Some of the acting feels forced. The final scene, to me, fell a little flat. The story drags a long a bit in a few places. There are details in the third act, upon which the entire story depends, that seem a little far fetched.

The few flaws do not cloud the whole of what is a really good movie. No, it's not wall to wall action, but instead a cerebral tale that rather fulfilling. Overall, the reviews of Traitor have been very mixed, and to a degree, I can understand, but I really think this is one that shouldn't be missed, even if you wait until it hits video.

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