Friday, September 26, 2008

The Silver Wolf Full Metal Rubber Band Gun

I have never wanted a rubber band gun more in my life.

I recall, when I was younger, seeing the wooden rubber band guns at the State Fair, or at those little kiosks in the malls, and even, from time to time, at a random gift shop at some side of the road attraction. I can't remember for sure, but I may even had owned one for a short time, before it broke, if not, I'm sure I knew someone that had one, because I've used one, and it was good.

This thing, compared to the cheap wooden guns of my youth, is absolutely amazing! I wish I could read Japanese, so that I could find out more. It combines the greatness of Metal Gear Solid and the awesomeness of a solid metal rubber band gun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

were can i buy one?...

Its soo cool, did u make it ur self?