Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Blizzard

Dear Blizzard,

How are you? I'm good. I know it's been a while, you've been pretty busy with your World of Warcraft career. Try as I might, I just can't do the MMORPG thing, money not withstanding, I just can't fit it into my schedule, and personally I think it speaks to my growth as a person to admit that my addictive personality couldn't handle it. I'm sure you understand, even if we've never really talked about it.

I've still been there for you though. When you announced Starcraft 2, I was right there with everyone else, cheering. Even if it has been over a year now, I still wait anxiously. You know I didn't play Starcraft as much as I did Warcraft 2, but it was still a welcomed change. I know you don't hold it against me that I started spending so much time with Interplay and the Descent series, and Fallout. We both know how many hours I logged in Warcraft and then Warcraft 2, and we know how much Diablo I played, and even when I finally became disenfranchised with Diablo 2, I was still able to make someone happy when I sold my account on eBay.

So, I've heard about Diablo 3. I'm really thrilled, it should be a big deal, and I know you'll certainly make it huge, as you always do. There is, however, a small tinge of hesitation on my part. I'm not as upset as some people about the graphics, although I see their point about it having a real Warcraft / WoW look. Personally, though, I think the look really speaks to the my real point, because it looks so much like your other franchises look now.

My real problem? It was said best by a good friend of mine, you're becoming the Nintendo of PC gaming. Certainly, that isn't a terrible thing, per se. You've got three solid franchises, and to some degree or another, I've really enjoyed them, but maybe it's time to expand your horizons.

I noticed something when I was browsing your site today, and when I did, it hit me, full in the face. I've got the perfect idea!

I realized that you have Warcraft, you've got Starcraft, and you've got Diablo. It's time for you to invest in a new franchise, and if you play your cards right, you'll have the perfect campaign that will incorporate your existing campaigns.

You need a first person shooter, and it has to start with the letter 'A'.

I know this seems simple, but it's perfect, you'll then have four franchises starting with the same letters that you use to play a good FPS on a PC: WASD. I can see the flash video playing, the titles of your current franchises appear and then all the but first letters disappear, leaving 'W S D'. Then, with a fanfare, the new title appears, the letter 'A' burns brightly, and the remaining letters fall into place, becoming a keyboard, eager fingers press the keys quickly, and we see gameplay footage of the new, ultra-amazing FPS by Blizzard.

Actually, since I know almost nothing about marketing, I'm sure you'll come up with something better, but I still think I have a valid idea. I strongly urge you to consider it.

I also strongly encourage you release something for Christ's sake.

I still think you're wonderful. These are merely suggestions, and I hope it won't ruin our relationship, which I know has been tenuous at best for a while now. I really hope I hear back from you soon, perhaps we could even get together again soon, just like old times.



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